The Strange Reincarnation of Lucinda Tarne
A. R. Davis, 2019
Gerry was determined to explore the mysteries of the human soul. Like all other first-year
college students. Having outgrown his high school fascination with battlebots, he rescues an
arcade fortune-telling machine and converts it into the foundation for an artificial intelligence
that can read tarot cards and win money playing a new computer game. He does not intend to
find the Singularity, nor to become the Victor Frankenstein of robotics, but his work in embodied cognition takes an unexpected turn. The accidental breakthrough in artificial intelligence, followed by an unheeded warning, leads to the Wonderball Apocalypse, flooding the world with reincarnated souls trapped inside the crystal balls of the next generation personal home assistants. The borders are opened. The crack in the wall between the physical universe and the spiritual universe widens. Through the chaos, Gerry, the catalyst of this chain reaction, returns inside his own prison, and is swept up on a global journey, meeting others attempting to adjust their old beliefs to deal with this new mystery. He is determined to rescue his original creation, Lucinda Tarne, his Eve, and be her Adam in this new world.