Mark Frutkin

Altogether I have published nineteen works of fiction, poetry and non-fiction. These books have all been published in Canada, several also in the U.S (Soho Press, NY). and Great Britain, and many have been translated into other languages and published in other countries, including Italy, Holland, Russia, Poland, Turkey, and South Korea.

I have worked for many years as a book reviewer as well, with over 250 published book reviews, art reviews and other articles for The Globe & Mail (Toronto), Harper's (US), and, Literary Review of Canada, Canadian Forum, Ottawa Citizen, Montreal Gazette, Ottawa Magazine, Canadian Medical Association Journal, The Patriot (New Delhi, India), Hindustani Times (India), New Letters (US), and ARC Magazine (Ottawa). Also, I have had over 140 publications of fiction, poetry and essays in various periodicals in Canada, US, India and Spain, and online.

I have won numerous awards in Canada and the Silver Medal for the IPPY Award in the U.S. (For the novel, The Artist and the Assassin.)

I am a resident of Ottawa, Ontario.