Judith Armatta
Judith Armatta is a lawyer, author, and human rights advocate. Her international work includes serving as rule of law liaison to Serbia and Montenegro for the American Bar Association; heading a war crimes documentation project for Kosovar refugees in Macedonia; monitoring and reporting on the war crimes trial of Slobodan Milosevic in The Hague, and consulting on rule of law in the West Bank, Latvia, Iraq, Russia, and Belarus. Her book, Twilight of Impunity: The War Crimes Trial of Slobodan Milosevic, was published by Duke University Press in 2010. She has also published in the Chicago Tribune, the International Herald Tribune, numerous U.S. and European law and social science journals, Monitor (a Montenegrin weekly news magazine), and the Institute for War and Peace Reporting website, where her 300 articles written during the trial are archived.
In a prior incarnation, she served as counsel for a statewide coalition of domestic and sexual violence programs, directed a shelter for battered women, and was a prisoners' civil rights attorney. The Women's Commission of Oregon honored her as a Woman of Achievement, the National Organization of Men Against Sexism named her an inspirational woman in making its Alice Paul Awards for Women Who Have Worked to Confront Men's Violence Against Women, and she received an Award of Merit from the Multnomah Bar Association.