Best Books on the 18th-Century History of Louisbourg, Canada

My years as a staff historian at the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada taught me a lot about how to research and write. I went through as much of the available documentation (roughly a million pages of original sources on microfilm and over 500 historical maps and plans) as I possibly could. I used some of that material in academic books and scholarly articles; other material (or abridged versions) ended up in on-site exhibits, leaflets, and books aimed at the general public. For all my toil, the government of France—though I am Canadian not French—recognized my body of work about Louisbourg by making me a chevalier of its Ordre des Palmes académiques.
There are six books I recommend to people who want to know more about Louisbourg. Four of the books are mine (of the eight in total, I wrote about different aspects of the place); the other two are by other historians who also know a lot about Louisbourg.
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