Sally Ember, EdD

Sally Ember, EdD has been passionate about writing since she was nine years old. She’s won prizes for her poetry, stories, songs and plays. Born Jewish and a decades-long meditator and Buddhist, Sally's life has been infused with change having lived in more than 60 places and in a dozen USA states.

Sally has delighted fans of paranormal and romance by blurring the lines between fact and fiction in a multiverse of multiple timelines, often including exciting elements of utopian science fiction and Buddhism. Her sci-fi romance/speculative fiction/paranormal/multiverse/utopian ebooks for New Adult/adult/YA audiences, The Spanners Series, are fascinating, unique experiences.

Currently, she meditates, writes, edits, proofreads, swims, reads, reviews and blogs in Missouri. In her "other" professional life, Sally has worked as an upper level mangerand educator/trainer for/with nonprofits and in classrooms or online for a variety of subjects and all ages.

Find her archived *CHANGES* shows on her YouTube channel:

Learn more about each guest:

Sally blogs regularly on wide-ranging topics.Visit, comment, follow, "like," and share!