Lee Morgan

Lee Morgan lives on a communal homestead on kunanyi/Mt. Wellington, where he creates sanctuary for other weirdos and raises books, people, and ideas from the grave. He has had novels and non-fiction published by Collective Ink Books, Three Hands Press, Witches Almanac, and Rebel Satori. Highlights of his career have involved speaking about his books at Watkins Books in London, receiving an Australian Postgraduate Award, and participating in The People’s Library artwork here in Tasmania. Having survived an enormous tumour, where surgeons warned his intellect might be impacted, and a series of further complications, Lee is currently busy filling the fresh room in his skull with new brains. His time is taken up by research, working on the property, and writing a kind of folk horror that cross-pollinates in hybrid, monstrous ways with other art forms. He is greatly blessed with an incredible support network, especially in his immediate coven brothers and sisters, and with the presence of a kelpie rescue dog named Clementine, who doesn’t perform any of the working dog traits one might have hoped for, but is loved despite this fact.