Geoff Loftus

As a thriller writer, I have a simple goal: I want to entertain. I’m not the kind of writer whose name is coupled with the Pulitzer Prize or the National Book Award. (Not that there’s anything wrong with being an award-winning author!) I write the kind of stories people read to divert themselves on a rainy afternoon or on the beach or on airplanes. My hope is that I can divert and delight my readers. Help them forget the real world for a while. Give them an enjoyable reading break. If people have fun while reading my thrillers, I’ve done my job.

I’ve written the thrillers Murderous Spirit, Dark Mirage, The Last Thing, No Traveler Returns, Fracture of the Soul, Casual Slaughters, Turn from Evil, and Purgatory (all Jack Tyrrell novels), as well as the thrillers Double Blind, Engaged to Kill, and The Dark Saint.