Books for Summer 2024

One strategy for summer reading — and yes, there are strategies — is to begin a project.
Dabble in short punchy books, but devote the season to an epic. You get three months.
I read “The Lord of the Rings” this way, one installment a summer, for years. Now I’m picking through Robert Caro’s (still unfinished) Lyndon Johnson biography this way. Another strategy: Give yourself a quasi-degree in something very specific. Read the complete short stories of the late Alice Munro. The crime novels of Stephen King. Or underrated Penguin Classics: This summer offers a couple of fresh contenders — Harry Crews’ “The Knockout Artist” (about a boxer with a talent for knocking himself out), and “A Last Supper of Queer Apostles,” unclassifiable writing about being gay under a dictatorship, by Chilean legend Pedro Lemebel.
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No-guilt beach reads
You got the top pulled down and radio on, baby
Family time
Tales of future past
Rebel yells
Cruel summer
Two absorbing sports books that aren’t actually about sports
It’s not the heat; it’s the brimstone
One lit life
Just a dream and the wind to carry me
Summer ennui
Rethinking summer programming
Summertime sadness
Summer Art Fare
Election-year reading that isn’t a chore
Dipping into the deep end
I know what you read this summer
Summer sleepers