Books By Lynn Bushell
I'm often asked what it's like to be an artist writing about artists, although in my historical novels I’ve ended up writing more about the women who inspired the art. In ‘The Lovers and the Dustman, ’ it was Patricia, who history claimed had seduced the artist Stanley Spencer, wrecked his marriage, stolen his assets, flaunted her gay lover in front of him, and then had the nerve when he was knighted, to assume the title 'Lady Spencer.' In Bonnard’s case, it was Renėe Montachaty, the eighteen-year-old model who became his muse, his lover, and finally his victim, whose story fascinated me.
My early books were lifted from experience and woven into fiction. It is very satisfying when your life seems random, to feel you have some control over your destiny. I found it more rewarding, afterwards, to look at other peoples’ lives when they were struggling. You learn a lot from failure – your own and other peoples’. Success is wonderful, but it doesn’t teach you anything.
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