Books by Author Mary F. Burns: Sargent/Paget Historical Mystery Series
John Singer Sargent and his childhood friend Violet Paget (aka writer Vernon Lee) have become amateur sleuths, focusing their artistic and literary sensibilities to solve various murders and crimes that fall in their way. Set initially in 1877, the series continues every few years as we see John and Violet become famous, each in their own way, in the arts and letters society of late Victorian England. As historical fiction, the characters are presented in places and with people that are true to their lives; their circle of friends included such notables as Henry James, the pre-Raphaelite artists, Claude Monet and other French impressionists. The two friends frequently met in various cities and towns throughout the United Kingdom and Europe, where the stories are set: London, Paris, Venice, Rome. All the books are set as dual-time mysteries, where the current murder or crime is somehow connected to events or people from decades or centuries before on the same spot—and the two stories are intricately intertwined to discover the final resolution. The books are narrated in the first-person voice of Violet Paget, who is the “Sherlock” part of this duo, highly intellectual, mischievous, quirky and courageous—she is well-paired with the more easy-going Singer Sargent—but the two together bring their different by acute styles of observation and interpretation to a harmonious blend in order to solve the mysteries they encounter.
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John Singer Sargent/Violet Paget Mystery Series