Best Books on the History of Christmas (U.S)

These are the six books that I have found most valuable and well-written about the history of Christmas celebrations in America. All five had an influence on my own writings on Christmas (see below) about how the holiday was experienced by enslaved Blacks on southern plantations before the Civil War and how myths based on those experiences infused what we call the South’s “Lost Cause” (the post-Civil War justification and romanticization of the Confederacy).
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Christmas Past

An Anthology of Seasonal Stories from Nineteenth-Century America
Thomas Ruys Smith, 2021
This book deserves your reading on two levels. On the one hand, it provides a marvelous anthology of historically significant excerpts from pre-1900 American-authored books and magazine pieces on Christmas, many of them by significant figures from the American past. Authors include not only acclaimed literary icons like Washington Irving, Henry James, and William Dean Howells but also writers who are remembered less for their literary skills per se than the ways their advocacies and polemics affected the course of their nation’s political and social history—persons like Frederick Douglass, Jacob A. Riis, and Harriet Beecher Stowe. All the works are helpfully contextualized by the editor. Thus, for example, Smith introduces Charles Eastman’s piece “The Ghost Dance War” by noting Eastman’s presence in South Dakota after the massacre of Native Americans at Wounded Knee and the relationship of those events to the succeeding reservation Christmas holiday. The most valuable aspect of this volume to me is its remarkably thorough and documented (173 endnotes!) 57-page introduction relating American literary treatments of Christmas both before and after the Civil War to the distinctive developments of those time periods. I especially liked Smith’s emphasis on transatlantic influences on American Christmas writings and, vice versa, American influences on European Christmas writings. Naturally, Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol comes under the spotlight for its popularity in the U.S., but, in contrast, native New Yorker Washington Irving’s Christmas materials in his Knickerbocker’s History of New-York impacted Sir Walter Scott. This is a wonderful collection.