19 Best Self-Help Books For Women

You've heard the phrase: New Year, new you. But when the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, you won't magically transform into a new person. However, you can use the new year as a chance to take concrete steps toward a better version of yourself. Whether it's in the form of resolutions, vision boards, or lists of intentions, New Year's Eve is a time to reflect on the past year and create goals for 2021. And a great tool for kickstarting the hard work of self-improvement? Self-help books. We all have areas of our lives in which we'd like to improve: our careers, finances, fitness, self-confidence, relationships...The list goes on. Experts in self-help books divulge how to manage our money, gain confidence in everyday life, and be bold in our careers. Reading self-help books is a great first step in the right direction for tackling the New Year. Below, we rounded up the best self-help books to read in 2021.
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See the source list and commentary at hellogiggles.com

For Overcoming Difficulties
For Sparking Creativity
For Improving Your Finances
To Stop Doubting Yourself
To Help Live With Purpose
For Channeling Vulnerability
For Chasing Your Dreams
For Organizing Your Professional Life
To Stop Living in Fear
For Learning How to Adult
For Learning How to Not Sweat the Small Stuff
For Finding Silver Linings
To Embrace Your Truest Self
For Becoming More Efficient
To Stop Thinking Negatively
To channel positive thinking
For Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone
For Learning Self-love
For Choosing Happiness