Angelo Marcos

You'd kill to protect your family. The question is... how many times? Three men are about to begin the worst bombing campaign in history, targeting schools in order to kill as many innocent children as they can. One night, the mysterious Aurora appears and tells family man Nathaniel Bennett three things. Firstly, that his daughter will be one of the victims. Secondly, that he is the only one who can stop these atrocities from happening. Thirdly, to stop them he'll have to kill all three of the men. If even one is left alive, the bombings will still happen and hundreds of children - including his daughter - will die. We follow Nathaniel as he wrestles with his mission - and himself. Is he a soldier following orders and saving children, or is he the monster, stalking and killing three men who - so far - have done nothing wrong? And, to the rest of the world - and the police - does it even make a difference? ★★★ Q and A with author Where did the idea come from? The initial premise was 'what if a serial killer turns out to be right?' I thought that would be a fun topic to explore in a psychological crime thriller. I then created the character of Aurora as a way of introducing a possibly supernatural or paranormal aspect to it. I've also love 'the fantastic' genre, where the supernatural elements in a story are ambiguous and may or may not all be in the main character's head. Who would like this book? I think anybody who has enjoyed reading about a character like Charlie Parker (from the series by John Connolly), a character like Jack Nightingale (from the series by Stephen Leather), or a character like Harry Dresden (from the Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher) will enjoy this novel. There are elements of Patrick Batemen (American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis) and Dexter Morgan (from the series by Jeff Lindsay) in there too. Lastly, there are probably some elements of Michael Douglas' character in the film Falling Down here as well..!

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Whoever Fights Monsters: The Gripping Psychological Thriller