Understanding the Ideology of Muhammadiyah
In many Muhammadiyah forums, oftentimes, people questioned the nature, content, essence, and importance of Muhammadiyah ideology. If one understood Islam, would be automatically understand the ideology of Muhammdiyah? What were differences of ideologies of Muhammadiyah and the ideology of other Islamic movement? What were the official thoughts that were included in Muhammadiyah ideology? What was the relations between one official thought to another thought in Muhammadiyah such as between the Preface and the Faith Pledge and Aspirations of Muhammadiyah Life, and Basic Strategies of Muhammadiyah? Why and what for did Muhammadiyah formulate the ideas of its ideology in its movement? Was revitalization or the strengthening of Muhammadiyah ideology in the organizational environment needed and what were the steps to do understand Muhammadiyah ideology according to the official thoughts in Islamic movement.