Adam Wallace
2014 |

Drawing is awesome fun. Seriously awesome. But, learning to draw can sometimes seem really hard, boring, and boring! That is why with the help of my brain, I have created this book. It is a book that gives you the basics of drawing cartoon animals. You'll learn expressions, proportions, and more -- AND, you will do it all with a smile on your face. WHY? Well, because all the instructions are in rhyme, and they are all in the form of a little story. So the dog, for example, starts off as a UFO flying around. Then the headlight comes on, doors open, it is all happening, and before long you have drawn a dog! WOO HOO! As for the cat, WOAH NELLY -- the cat starts off as something I cannot even discuss here. What is that? I can ??? Awesome then... THAT CAT STARTS OFF AS A BUM!!!!! So get a pencil, a piece of paper, and get ready for a whole lot of fun. Most of all do not worry about mistakes. Everyone makes them, and drawing is not meant to be a stress it is meant to be AWESOME!

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Rhymes with Art

Learn Cartooning the Fun Way!