Pst Jerry Eze

Pastor Jerry Eze is a Nigerian religious leader, convener of the New Season Prophetic Prayers (NSPPD), and the lead pastor of Streams of Joy International church. Covenant of fruitfulness/ Supernatural ways to Get Pregnant is a book that will birth faith in you for supernatural conception. Whatever be the covenant, the mystery, the spell, the quest, the curse, and the issue, taking steps with this book brings supernatural joy to your family forever. And after this moment childlessness will never be named near your lineage and anyone related to you. Notwithstanding, that every enterprise has its covenant/memorandum of understanding, Every success story has its rung on the ladder of success. It takes access to the covenant to walk in the light of the revelation of conception. The book also reveals prayers specifically for conception irrespective of any medical conditions of infertility, including such conditions as PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), Anovulation, Endometriosis, Tubal blockage, Oligospermia (Low sperm count) and Azoospermia, Fibroid, Hormonal imbalance etc. Covenant of fruitfulness is a must-read if you desire to be pregnant, as it contains spiritual insights and revelations, that will bring life to the reproductive organs of the one who will engage consistently in faith. You Shall Be Pregnant in Jesus' name!

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Pst. Jerry Eze's Teachings on Covenant of Fruitfulness

Supernatural Ways to Getting Pregnant