Lynn M. Griesemer

40 million Americans regularly visit porn sites. Our civilization is at risk, right before our eyes and we MUST decrease the demand for pornography. Porn is a beast that ruins lives and relationships. Porn Free is a book like no other. Porn Free: How to Decrease the Demand for Pornography examines the harmful consequences of pornography and offers innovative solutions for one of the greatest threats to mankind. Sexually explicit artwork displayed on ancient walls doesn't compare to the potent force of modern internet pornography. Due to pornography’s disrespectful view of human sexuality and destruction to individuals, families, and relationships, the author concludes that 100 percent abstinence from pornography is warranted. The subject matter may prove uncomfortable, unpopular, and challenging, but we can decrease the demand if we do the following: Don’t view it; adopt a virtuous lifestyle; raise children with love and affirmation; and focus on the “Biological Design.” We can strengthen communities by sharing stories and experiences with pornography, thereby increasing compassion and connection, while lessening shame and loneliness. Parents should be the first people to discuss pornography awareness with their children. Lynn M. Griesemer shows the reader the importance of feeling comfortable talking about pornography, how to have courageous conversations, and how to talk to a spouse with a porn habit. Most resources on pornography center on education, addiction, recovery, the impact of pornography on the brain, and legal enforcement. Porn Free is unique and rare, offering tangible results aimed at curbing the demand for pornography. The groundbreaking ideas contained in Porn Free are intended to set anyone free from the grip of pornography, and to avoid entrapment in a porn habit or addiction. Decreasing the world of the filth of pornography takes one individual at a time rejecting its deceptions. Our bodies and souls are meant for more than what pornography offers.

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Porn Free

How to Decrease the Demand for Pornography