John Wilson

Endeavouring to escape the city of his youth*, John Wilson has spent his adult life travelling, researching and telling stories with words. Over the decades, both as a part of his historical research and for personal pleasure, he has taken thousands of interesting, unusual and, occasionally, simply weird photographs on every continent using a staggering variety of cameras, from his grandfather's 1930 vintage No 1 Pocket Kodak to a modern, digital Canon SX50 HS. Some have been published accompanying his words, others in their own right as photo essays. Some are carefully thought out compositions, others are serendipitous snaps. Many have yet to see the light of day. It is time for the photographs to tell their story. * This story is told in words and photographs in a memoir, Lands of Lost Content.

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Places not Paisley, Photographic Peregrinations

Book 1, The Natural World