Paul W. Farris, Neil T. Bendle, Phillip E. Pfeifer, David J. Reibstein
2010 |
Business & Economics

"In this thoroughly updated and significantly expanded book, four leading marketing researchers show exactly how to choose the right metrics for every challenge. The authors show how to use marketing dashboards to view market dynamics from multiple perspectives, maximize accuracy, and "triangulate" to optimal solutions. You'll discover high-value metrics for virtually every facet of marketing: promotional strategy, advertising, and distribution; customer perceptions; market share; competitors' power; margins and pricing; products and portfolios; customer profitability; sales forces and channels; and more. This edition introduces essential new metrics ranging from Net Promoter to social media and brand equity measurement. Last, but not least, it shows how to build comprehensive models to support planning--and optimize every marketing decision you make."--Publisher description.

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Marketing Metrics

The Definitive Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance