Vanessa Tait
2016 |

What happened before Alice fell down the rabbit hole? Oxford, 1862. As Mary Prickett takes up her post as governess to the daughters of the Dean of Christ Church, she is thrust into a strange new world. Mary is poor and plain and desperate for change but the little girls in her care see and understand far more than their naive new teacher. And there is another problem: Mary does not like children, especially the precocious Alice Liddell. When Mary meets Charles Dodgson, the Christ Church mathematics tutor, at a party at the Deanery, she wonders if he may be the person to transform her life. Flattered by his attentions, Mary begins to believe that she could be more than just an overlooked, dowdy governess. One sunny day, as Mary chaperones the Liddells on a punting trip, Mr. Dodgson tells the story of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. But Mary is determined to become Mr Dodgson's muse and will turn all the lives around her topsy-turvy in pursuit of her obsession."

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The Looking Glass House

A Fascinating Victorian-Set Novel Featuring the Inspiration for Lewis Carroll's Children's Classic, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland