If You Need Healing Do These Things
IF YOU NEED HEALING Oral Roberts is setting a pattern in these times of confusion for a strong, dynamic faith in God. In the presence of Oral Roberts the confusion disappears, faith is restored and we are healed, but whether we hear him in his great tent, the auditorium, or by Radio, there are intervals between meetings or broadcasts when he is not available to us personally. Brother Roberts has written this book—putting into it the very heart of his healing ministry—so that those who cannot come into his presence when trouble besets them, can read and find deliverance. Here for your daily guidance Oral Roberts has WRITTEN A BOOK FOR YOU, and proves for you in his own words that faith in God is power. As you read you will learn how to use the power of your own faith for healing, for comfort, for guidance of your daily life and to receive the good things in life that God intends those who believe to have. READ THIS BOOK EVERY DAY. WHAT THIS BOOK WILL REVEAL TO YOU 1. The power of faith over spiritual, mental and physical illnesses 2. How you can use your faith to achieve peace and happiness 3. The 7 rules of faith that bring you what you want 4. How to turn your faith loose 5. How to enter a Healing Line 6. How to overcome fear and frustration 7. How to write your own ticket with God.