Lee Morgan

The Gusty Deep is a monster-tale that pokes holes between world ages and lets them chatter to one another through a keyhole in the moss. In this very adult faerie-tale, twelfth-century Britain descends into the chaos of The Anarchy. Lux, daughter of the surviving member of the Green Children of Woolpit, narrowly escapes a forced marriage with a stranger, a way-faring man called Robin Goodfellow. He takes Lux back to his band of Others-the queer, the whores, and the witches-together, can they save the land, its resources, and their very right to exist as the world slips into civil war? Lee Morgan lives on a communal homestead on kunanyi/Mt Wellington, where he creates sanctuary for other weirdos, raises books, people, and ideas from the grave. He has had novels and non-fiction published by Moon Books and Three Hands Press. Having survived an enormous tumour, Lee currently is busy filling the room in his skull with new brains, writing Folk Horror, and queering the world one step at a time.

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The Gusty Deep