Michele Hansen

Deploy Empathy will help you learn the skill of interviewing your customers-learning to truly listen to them-so that you can pull out their hidden needs, desires, and processes.Empathy is a skill that anyone can learn. Armed with the tactics you'll learn in this book and the toolbox of scripts and phrases, you'll be able to sell more of your existing product, build the right features that will delight your customers, and stop churn in its tracks.By the end of this book, you'll be able to interview customers and potential customers with confidence."A smart look at one of business's most overlooked but critical topics." - Morgan Housel, Partner at Collaborative Fund and Author of the International Best-Seller The Psychology of Money"Deploy Empathy is a rare treat: a deep dive, by an expert practitioner, into customer interviews. In addition to strategic exhortations to keep the interview focused on the customer, the tactical advice about phrasing to draw out their opinions and emotions without biasing them is top notch. I'd heartily recommend it to anyone who builds or sells.Deploy Empathy is, far and away, the best book I've ever read on user interviews, filled with tactical insights that were new even having done hundreds of them." - Patrick McKenzie (aka patio11), Founder, Kalzumeus Software

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Deploy Empathy

A Practical Guide to Interviewing Customers