Branding And The Visual Response
How a brand becomes it’s visual identity
Branding can be approached from various angles, for example with a marketing, sales or business mindset. On 156 pages, this unique book has a strong visual focus and provides an opportunity for learning and development, mostly to graphic designers, marketing specialists and consultants who are open to visual ideas and wish to grow professionally – and to future clients planning to have their visual identity designed. From a brand to a visual language The five chapters take the reader through the visual branding process, covering branding and the meaning of visual elements. Detailed descriptions are complemented with explanatory illustrations or images on almost every page. The last chapter offers short, supplementary pieces of information and several useful tools and guides. Who is this book aimed at? » Graphic designers wishing to dive deeper into the branding process » Consultants seeking a better understanding of the visual aspects of branding » Students of visual fields » Entrepreneurs wishing to get an insight into branding and visual identity design The structure of the book The branding process: brand, brand sprint and brand design. The visual response: basic forms and their meaning, bouba or kiki, typography and how to choose a colour. The visual branding process:briefing, draft designs, presentation, iteration and delivery. Digital visual identities: website, application, advertisements, social media, design systems. Useful materials: useful materials and guides for branding and visual identity design.