Banfeba Meditation
A practical meditation technique to achieve a higher state of consciousness and, ultimately, enlightenment. An easy-to-follow guide to a unique meditation technique you can practice throughout the day. This extended ability to meditate with your eyes open or closed, in silence or during activity, dramatically expedites the process of enlightenment more than any other meditation technique. The BANFEBA Meditation technique is comprised of seven effortless steps: Breathe, Accept, Now, Feel, Experience, Being and Awareness. BANFEBA Meditation will allow your awakened experience of Being to dramatically support the creation of a healthy, beautiful, prosperous, fulfilling, peaceful, loving, and blissful life for yourself. The desire to create is a natural part of life. We all have a natural desire to create special experiences in our lives. We are all natural creators. We are part of the expansion of the relative world we live in. Frustration comes when we are not able to succeed in creating what we desire. The reason we are not always able to succeed in creating the life we desire is because we are not awake to the Source of all creation – Being. It is like trying to drive to the shop miles away to buy ice cream without getting into the car. We can talk all we want about ice cream, but it’s impossible to enjoy unless we hop in the car, and go get it. As well as being a practical meditation guide, the story of Bruce’s journey to enlightenment is featured throughout the book.